Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Jeff Rense is a Nazi Scumbag, pt. 5

"While the other two Middle Eastern faiths ...elevate the virtues of humility, charity and righteousness, Judaism legislates haughtiness, supremacism and callous disregard for other human beings...Gentiles exist to serve the Jews. Rape of gentile children, murder, lying, theft, usury, things condemned in every other religion are given full sanction in Judaism when it benefits the tribe"

"Does anyone in the room remember the Crucifixion of Jesus? Judaism's involvement in WWI and WWII? Bolshevism? The destruction of the moral, political and economic fiber of every country in the West? Hundreds of millions of dead children through abortion? The destruction of families and the elevation of sexual deviancy as a virtue?"

"And of course, last but certainly not least, the war to end all wars that is taking place in the Middle East and which bears the fingerprints of the Pharisees all over it."

"... If indeed Christianity sprang forth from Judaism, why then does Judaism maintain that Jesus was a sorcerer and a sexual deviant who suffers in hell by being boiled in a cauldron of semen and feces for daring to oppose the Rabbis and that His holy mother Miriam was a 'harlot who mated with carpenters' ?"

"...It is all another ruse to get Christians to fight Judaism's wars on the pretext that somehow [Jews and Christians] share something in common when in truth they do not..."

"Judaism is nobody's friend, and the sooner that the rest of us Jew and non-Jew alike come to realize this, the better off we will be. Get rid of it. It is a cancer. Cut it out and throw it away, as Jesus instructed that we do. It has never and will never be of any benefit to mankind. We cannot live in any kind of 'peaceful co-existence' with it. It is a declaration of war, and as long as it exists out there, mankind will never have peace."

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Jeff Rense is a Nazi Scumbag, pt. 4

Excerpts from:

The Strange, Mysterious Eternal Allure Of Adolf Hitler

Hitler created visual images of National Socialism and the Third Reich that are so outstanding, that to this day no person or country, has ever surpassed its artistic and spiritual influence. These powerful images of the Third Reich have been so effective that even today Hollywood film studios have made billions of dollars since the end of World War, and still continue to fill theatre seats just on the power of Hitler's name.

Not a day goes by without television stations around the world broadcasting programmes on Hitler and his policies. The Holocaust is the most discussed subject now in the world of politics. The modern day liberal intellectuals, who to one man, have been forced to accept the new multicultural experiment on mankind, (promoted by a race, who themselves do not practise what they preach), mostly condemn his ideas.

At the Holocaust Museum in Washington, where concentration camps facilities are on display alongside a film-hall which shows the famous NSDAP Party Convention in Nuremberg (Leni Riefenstahl, Triumph of The Will). This hall is continuously packed with spellbound visitors whilst the sections, showing "Jewish sufferings", are almost always empty.

Other Jews are so impressed with his single mindedness, his abilities and strength, that they have even suggested, that he was in fact Jewish by birth, (subtly implying that no matter how evil he has been portrayed, by their own media propaganda agencies), only a person of Jewish blood could ever be such a genius.

Hitler's hostile attitude to Jews was neither irrational nor aberrant. He simply saw the Jews as Jesus Christ did before him. Jesus said to the Jews: "You belong to your father, the devil and you want to carry out your father's desire. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him." (John 8:44)

Especially amongst the Jewish people, to keep up the anti-Semitic pressure on their "own race" (dubbing of swastikas on Jewish Cemeteries) to prevent the vast majority of the Jewish people from race mixing and abandoning their historic mission.

His philosophy is like a siren song, calling out to his admirers and to the millions of confused people who sense that his views of "natural laws" are correct, and are the only laws that can be understood and trusted in our multi-cultural, in harmonious and devious New World Order. The allure of Hitlerism is contagious for young and old alike.

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Jeff Rense is a Nazi Scumbag, pt. 3

Another heartwarming explanation of why Jews bring persecution on themselves, courtesy of Jeff Rense.


Look around. The USA of today very closely mirrors the Germany of 1929.

Is there anything 'wrong' with this? Not in principle, no. All people are deserving of the rewards of the energy they invest in achievement. The problem is one of monopoly and the exclusion of non-Jews via the self-promotion which predominates in most of today's Jewish-controlled America. If a Jew is up for a job against a non-Jew, and the one doing thehiring is Jewish, gets who gets the job.

Since Jews stick together as a group, they pull and shove each other up the ranks of corporations and pull strings ensuring members of their race are given first shot at student openings in the major universities and top jobs throughout the areas of their dominance in every type of business imaginable.

Bryant also wrote that in 1929 Germany, in law and medicine, Jews were vastly over represented. In Berlin in 1931, 42% of the city's doctors and 48% of its lawyers were Jews.

The Jews in Weimar Germany used their propaganda levers to ridicule German ideals and culture. They even slandered the memory of the fallen German soldiers of that terrible war, World War One.

During the horror days of the great inflation, Jews by and large remained wealthy people and prospered at the losses of the masses. They took expensive vacations while ordinary Germans starved.

Today, Jews control vast areas of wealth in America. Estimates range all the way up to 70%.Whatever the figure, it is huge and immensely out of proportion to their 2% of the population in American society.

Today, in 1999, the U.S.A. is totally dominated by Jews. Virtually every newspaper or magazine is owned by Jews. Their self-serving propaganda constantly fills the TV screen. The Federal government is totally under Jewish control. US military forces are the pawn of Israel. The banks, the markets are theirs. They systematically denigrate our Founding Fathers and our heritage and our Constitution.

Certainly, many non-Zionist Jews of America are waking up to the political and other manipulations they and most Jews are being controlled and influenced by. There are many, many wonderful Jews in American society but the facts are the facts...and monopolies of any sort aren't healthy in any society. Such monopolies led to the terrible years just before and during during WWII. Let's pray that never, ever happens again. Let's also pray that non-Jews learn from their fellow citizens about how to achieve and to prosper in our waning American culture. Alas, most gentiles are content with their lower rungs on the ladder and that 'content' will forever doom them to second class status in today's Jewish America.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Jeff Rense is a Nazi Scumbag, pt. 2

How about this little chestnut explaining why the Nazis had to load those wicked Jews up and exterminate them.


Why Are Jews Persecuted?
By Jayne Gardener

I always used to wonder what it was about Jews that made people throughout history despise them. If they were indeed "God's chosen" I thought, they had to be the unluckiest people in the history of the world.

Why were they persecuted throughout history?

Why had the Nazis herded them into cattle cars and taken them to "extermination camps" to dispose once and for all of the "Jewish problem?"

I suddenly recognized that if Hitler had developed a "Final Solution" to the Jewish question, that there had to have been a "Jewish Problem." Could the Jews have in any way behaved in such a manner that would make the countries in which they resided turn against them, or were they just unfortunate, innocent victims?

I set out to find answers for my questions, mainly turning to the Internet, but also reading various books on the subject. What I found became increasingly disturbing to me.

I had not known that throughout history, the Jews had been expelled from 79 countries, some countries more than once.

I had not known that many of the claims they made about the Holocaust that I had believed unquestioningly for so long were in fact fraudulent.

The books I had read and the movies I had seen about the "Holocaust" and wept over were nothing but thinly veiled attempts to garner unwavering sympathy for the state of Israel and an excuse to extort billions of dollars from Germany and 1.25 billion dollars from the Swiss banks.

I discovered that a book I had read many times as a teenager and cried about, Anne Frank's Diary, had been at least partially written by someone other than Anne Frank.

I learned that the confessions at the Nuremburg Trials and the executions of so many German "war criminals" were were extracted under torture and the defendants were being tried, judged and condemned by their very accusers.

I learned about the "false flag" operations, especially the Lavon affair and the tragedy of the USS Liberty, an American ship that was attacked by the Israelis during the 1967 war. 34 young American men were killed and many more wounded.

To add insult to injury, the Israelis claimed that it was simply an unfortunate case of mistaken identity, something the survivors of the Liberty have always vehemently denied. They, however, were threatened with court martial if they were ever to tell their stories.

I learned about the Jonathan Pollard spy case and other incidents of Israeli Jews spying against their supposed "closest ally."

I became shocked and horrified as I learned about the treatment of the Palestinian people in the occupied territories at the hands of the Israeli Defense Forces and the Jewish settlers. Israel purports to be the only democracy in the middle east, but it's only a democracy for Jews. Non-Jews are not considered equal.

I was saddened to see pictures of innocent Palestinian children burned beyond recognition or suffering from serious gunshot wounds after being targeted by the IDF for no other reason than that they are Palestinian.

I found out about the Jewish history of avariciousness, larceny, lying, manipulation and their questionable and usurious business practices.

I learned about their roles in the radical homosexual movement, the radical feminist movement, the pornography industry as well as their over-representation in the abortion industry.

I discovered their role in organized crime, in the slave trade, in the civil rights movement and in Communism, an ideology that is responsible for the deaths of untold millions and the repression of many millions more.

I learned that it was Jewish supremacists behind the war against Christianity and Christmas. It is they who want God out of the Pledge of Allegiance and all symbols of Christianity removed from public life.

They have driven Christianity from the public schools despite Christianity being the majority religion.

They have taken Christmas out of the public school calendar despite the fact that it is a statutory holiday and it is named Christmas.

I read about the anti-Gentilism and hatefulness of the Babylonian Talmud and their utter disrespect for, and hostility towards Jesus Christ, the Virgin Mary and Christianity and Christians in general.

I learned about their "chutzpah" in claiming that Gentile lives were worth no more than the lives of barnyard animals but that they considered Jewish lives to be akin to God Himself. It's okay to steal from a Gentile or to kill a Gentile, but Jewish lives are sacred.

I learned of their control of the majority of wealth, the media and academia despite them making up less than 2% of the population (even lower in Canada).

They are behind the ridiculous political correctness movement and hate crime legislation that was drafted so as to silence anyone who might figure out their agenda and attempt to shed light on it.

Men like German Rudolf, David Irving and many more, previously recognized as great historians, were arrested, charged with hate crimes and incarcerated simply for having made academic inquiry into a specific period of history.

Other so called "revisionists" or "holocaust deniers" have been intimidated, harassed, assaulted and smeared simply for trying to get at the truth.

I found out that the Jews are responsible for our wide open immigration policies that have created the nightmare we call "multiculturalism," "diversity," inclusiveness" and "pluralism."

It is mostly they who push for race mixing and miscegenation, knowing full well that it would eventually lead to those of white European descent being minorities in their own countries and the eventual extermination of white European DNA.

It is patently clear that the war in Iraq is due solely to Israel wanting to hobble her enemies by destabilizing their governments in order to achieve hegemony in the middle east.

It would be unthinkable for Israeli Jews to die for this cause, so they manipulated the US into the war with the help of the Jewish Zionist "Israel firsters" in the Bush administration in order that the blood of way too many young American men and women is shed instead.

It is they who control the middle eastern foreign policy of the most powerful country in the world, the USA. It is they who control congress, the senate and the puppet president, George W. Bush.

They have such control in movies and television that we are now subjected to endless programs and Hollywood movies that mock Christianity, Christian values and degrade the traditional family.

After sober reflection on what I had discovered about Jewish supremacy and Zionism, I had to abandon all my previously held notions as to the history of Jewish persecution.

What I have trouble understanding is why they continue this behavior in whichever society they live, knowing that eventually they will overplay their hand and their perfidy will be exposed yet again.Has history taught them nothing?

As more and more people become aware of what is going on and who is responsible for it, anger is going to rise as it already has in the former Soviet Union and eastern European countries.

They may control television, movies and the print media, but they don't control the internet. At least not yet. Blogs and websites devoted to "outing" the Jewish supremacists will ultimately be their downfall.

If everyone who sees this information passes it on to at least one other person, the crimes and misdeeds of the Jewish supremacists and Zionists will be exposed. Please, do your part. Pass it on. Our world as we know it is counting on you.

Posted by Jayne Gardener

Jeff Rense is a Nazi Scumbag

I'm not going to editorialize -- I'm just doing a straight comparison between actual Nazi propaganda, The Decent Jew, and the Patrick Grimm article, "How Jewish Supremacism is Destroying America," published on The words make the linkage abundantly clear.

I begin with the moral qualities of the Jews that they love to bring up. Never was the level of public morality lower than during the time in which your racial comrades had nearly complete control over film, the stage and the arts. I remember with disgust the so-called educational films and similar such depravity for which there was sensational propaganda. Other Jews praised such things to the heavens, and still other Jews kept the police from stopping these general attacks on public morality. The damage done to our youth by Magnus Hirschfeld [a prominent Jewish sexual researcher] alone, and the fact that the rest of Jewry tolerated him, is by itself sufficient to justify the harshest measures against the Jews. But Magnus Hirschfeld was no unfortunate single case, but rather one of a legion of Jewish corrupters of the youth, sexual criminals, pseudo-scientists, playwrights and novelists, painters and sculptors, theater and cabaret director, publishers and distributors of pornographic literature. They competed with each other to produce their filth, surpassing each other in obscenity, making easier the work of their racial comrades seeking to dominate an unnerved and powerless people rendered susceptible by such "art." The absence of moral rules was called freedom, and unrestrained drives were proclaimed to be the right of the young.

The Decent Jew by Hanns Oberlindober, 1940

"They have created, pushed and profited from pornography and perverse entertainment. The "Chosen" make up 90% of all American pornographers. The Hollywood they run has mainstreamed wife-swapping, common law marriages, pedophilia, scatology, licentious sex, drug and alcohol abuse and self-indulgence. Bestiality will be next on the list. In fact, they are already releasing a documentary portraying men who have sex with horses. 7. They have brought homosexuality out of the closet and into our faces. Sodomy is shown in their media and movies as normal, healthy, enjoyable and something to celebrate openly in as brazen a fashion as possible. They have founded, funded and fronted every homosexual advocacy group in America. To oppose the flaunting of buggery is now considered "old-fashioned" and "reactionary."

How Jewish Supremacism is Destroying America by Patrick Grimm, 2008

They have made abortion into a sacrament. Planned Parenthood, the National Abortion Rights Action League (NARAL) and every other leftist pro-abortion promoter and provider in America is run from top to bottom by "the Chosen". Unlimited and unregulated abortion on demand is lauded and touted in the controlled media as a positive social good for the United States. Thirty-four years after Roe v. Wade and with over 40 million abortions under their belts, these same groups still cheer and applaud for more. And with most abortion rights organizations top-heavy with Jews and a large percentage of abortion doctors also being Jewish, they have definitely made a killing out of killing.

How Jewish Supremacism is Destroying America by Patrick Grimm, 2008

More than that, your racial comrades intentionally and cold-heartedly preached and encouraged the murder of the unborn children of our people through abortion. The racial hatred Jews had for their Aryan host people extended to the growing life in a mother's womb. Jewish scoundrels made this part of the programs of political parties. How many millions of unborn children and how many hundreds of thousands of mothers fell prey to the greed and racial hatred of Jewish doctors? The Jews kept the number secret by controlling and influencing the official statistics of the German Reich. To my knowledge, no "decent Jew" raised his voice against such organized murder.

The Decent Jew by Hanns Oberlindober, 1940

They have controlled our currency with the counterfeiting scheme that is the Federal Reserve, its umbilical cord of sustenance interfaced with the Jewish Rothschild banking cartel run from the financial nerve center of world Jewry located in London, England. Since 1913, and intermittently on and off again throughout US history, tribalist Jews have sunk their vampire fangs into the currency of our nation. This nexus of dominance, more than any other, must be broken, smashed, its reins handed back to the people and the government of our country, rather than a private corporation operated top to bottom by power-hungry greed-head Jewish extremist money-men and international bankers who are in all truth, globalists and internationalists, intent on robbing the American people of their livelihood and their birthright, just as our Founding Fathers warned us they would. Until we get this banking power off of our backs, we will never be free of Talmudic tyranny. We will instead be bankrupt and subservient to their evil power agenda.

How Jewish Supremacism is Destroying America by Patrick Grimm, 2008

So far, I have intentionally avoided the corrupting and destructive effects of your racial comrades in economic life, of the attempt to destroy the National Socialist economy, of the central banking system and the brutal efforts of the Jewish world economy to monopolize raw materials. I have not wanted to speak of three hundred years of history that everyone knows, of the Rothschilds, the Warburgs, the Speyers, the Löbs, the Kuhns, and the Pereiras, nor of the court Jews and their noble friends, nor of Jewish swindlers and their lackeys. These are side effects that have for the moment been overcome. They show the spiritual and moral power of Jewry, which has been broken.

The Decent Jew by Hanns Oberlindober, 1940

Got the picture?

If not, here's a photo of our boy Hanns Oberlindober:

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